The benefits of choosing a cheap coworking in Barcelona
When simply living gets more and more expensive, people seek ways to save money. That’s where cheap coworking in Barcelona comes in.
In the CREC blog we talk about coworking, entrepreneurs, collaborations and the future of work.
Will you stay with us?
When simply living gets more and more expensive, people seek ways to save money. That’s where cheap coworking in Barcelona comes in.
It has been many months of continuous work, but finally we can announce something that fills us with enthusiasm. CREC Coworking has two new locations in Barcelona and incorporates a
Internal communication, InDesign, time management
Are you too lazy to work from home, but you don't know which space best suits your needs and the development of your professional activity? Today we explain why the
Connect with entrepreneurs, share experiences, learn about new trends and opportunities offered by the digital ecosystem and get inspired to launch your own project by the hand of industry experts
Talent, innovation, creativity… And live! For the first time, the CREC Coworking team welcomed the students participating in the Art Experience live. We did it last March 21 in the
As we mentioned in the previous article, nowadays it is very important for the development of our businesses to have basic notions of Data Science. Knowing where this conglomerate of