Time optimization

Why should we change our time management?

Time management is key to performance and productivity in our work. And it is one of the pillars for every professional to be more effective and efficient and able to meet deadlines, quality of work and both personal and professional development.

Good time management will help us achieve our goals, be more productive and improve our quality of life. Therefore, it provides:

  • Efficiency: Efficient management of our time will help us plan both individual and team tasks.
  • Profitability: A real planning of our time will bring us determination in goals, teamwork and, therefore, productivity.
  • Quality of life: An optimization of time will bring us a reduction in stress, improvement in daily habits and emotional stability.


CRECWorkshop Gemma Beltran

Gemma Beltran is the Founder of Quality Of Family Life, a project dedicated to accompanying people in all phases of their lives: Family, education, work, health and time management. They do this by creating tailor-made programs and workshops made by a team of collaborators specialized in each field.


We organize this CREC Workshop for companies and groups of 6 coworkers. If you feel interested to do it, talk with the Community Builders team!

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