
Área de descanso con oficinas al fondo en un coworking de Sabadell

Local business next to CREC Sabadell

CREC Sabadell It is located in the heart of Sabadell, one of the cities with the most personality in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and co-capital of the Vallès Occidental together with

Office CREC Coworking Barcelona Poble Sec

Shop and eat local near CREC Poble Sec

CREC Poble Sec is located at one end of the Poble Sec neighborhood, one of the neighborhoods with the most personality in Barcelona. In fact, it is the first expansion

Eroica Caffe CREC Coworking Barcelona

Shop and eat local near CREC Eixample

CREC Eixample is located in the heart of the Eixample, between Plaza Cataluña, Plaza Tetuán and Plaza Urquinaona. In fact, it is the first area of the Eixample to be

Isidre Turull CREC Coworking Barcelona

Coworking for freelancers

“Freelance: doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization”. This is how the Cambridge Dictionary defines the concept of freelance.

Coworking para empresas

Why is coworking the best solution for companies?

Usually, the coworking environment moves us away from the reality outdoors. Inside, coworkers are used to flexibility, to alternate locations to work… We could also say that this phenomenon called

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